Below follows information pertaining to the previous and first UCT Ombud, whose contract expired on the 31st December 2020:

Ms Zetu Makamandela-Mguqulwa


UCT Ombud

Zetu Makamandela-Mguqulwa is the Ombud at UCT and a Certified Organisational Ombud Practitioner (IOA). In this position, Makamandela-Mguqulwa is an advocate for fairness, acting as a source of information and referral, and assisting in the resolution of concerns and critical situations. She is available to receive and attempt to resolve the individual complaints and grievances of members of the UCT community; and to recommend procedural changes within the university in response to experience acquired in dealing with individual cases.

Before taking office at UCT on 1 January 2011, Makamandela-Mguqulwa was a Change Management Specialist at PetroSA – the oil company created through the merger of Mossgas, Soekor and the Strategic Fuel Fund. Since 2007 she led projects and influenced policies to help unite the workforce from these three companies into a single entity. She also provided counsel on transformation and change at all levels, including the executive level of PetroSA.

Makamandela-Mguqulwa earned a Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) and a Masters in Social Sciences at UCT and she served as Transformation Co-ordinator at the Faculty of Health Sciences between 2003 and 2006. In this capacity she also acted as Ombud for staff and students.

She also has experience in managing cultural diversity, counselling and team leadership at Intech, where she was a Distant Learning Guide and Lecturer. She was the Founder and Principal Consultant at Mindshift, where she led interventions and activities to help organisations such as BP-SA and Cape Peninsula University of Technology to bring their respective staff members through times of cultural change.

For further reading:

Monday paper article 14 March 2011

Article in Ombuds Blog