As one of the early universities to offer this service, the UCT Ombud’s Office, in partnership with the Department of Higher Education (DoHET), hosted the first Organizational Ombudsing Training in South Africa, delivered by the IOA (International Ombudsman Association).

The four day training took place from the 28th September to and including the 1st October 2015, at the GSB, Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa. Programme information

An article written by the UCT Ombud, published in the Mail & Guardian 16 October 2015 provides a useful overview of the Ombudsing Training Conference.

Below are several photographs taken of the participants, trainers, and guests at the Gala dinner held on the 27th September:

Wayne Blair, Lee Twyman, Thomas Zgambo, Zetu
Makamandela-Mguqulwa with Lynne Chaillat in the
Trainers with Melvyn Malamed
Front row to back row, left to right: Mandla Sifumba, Lee Twyman, Mokubung Nkomo, Zetu Makamandela-
Mguqulwa, Vuyokazi Ntloko, Thomas Zgambo, Edward Lambani, Shirley Serepong, Carin Booyse, Emily
Mabote, Mavuso Msimang, Sello Legodi, Temba Matanzima, Leon Wessels, Ephraim Motseko, Dinkie Dube,
Maletsatsi Wotini, Nazeema Mohamed, Wayne Blair, Hendrick Croucamp, Kemi Behari, Mpho Matjila, Julian
Sonn, Sduduzo Gumede. Inserts: Lynne Chaillat, Michael Somniso.
Zetu Makamandela-Mguqulwa
Debbie Budlender
Lee Twyman
Chief Mabizela
Walter Baets